School Kitchen Floor Replacement – Capital Project

This project revitalised a large school kitchen in south Derbyshire. The existing kitchen had an original ceramic tile floor from the 1960’s, complete with ceramic ‘cap and cove’ upstands! It was in a fair state of disrepair and therefore needed replacement, for which the school would be using devolved capital funds. Box09 acted as Professional Advisor, completing the relevant site surveys and paperwork, and a best price vs performance quote was sourced. An essential point in this project was the time element, as this entire project would need to be carried out in the summer holidays.
Equipment was disconnected and isolated prior to being relocated into the adjoining hall area. Any remaining equipment that could not be moved into the hall was moved to an isolated area of the kitchen so the majority of the floor could be laid. The ceramic tile upstands were removed to allow the floor to be cap and coved in the new PolySafe vinyl that had been selected. The existing ceramic tile floor was degreased and a smoothing compound applied to a depth of 4-5mmin order to ensure a smooth level surface for the vinyl to be bonded to. The vinyl was laid and installed, with all joints hot welded and the cap and coving completed, allowing the floor to be completely mopped edge to edge in future. The vinyl had a low Light Reflectance Value, and a high non-slip rating. This floor should last a long time and has vastly improved the aesthetics, hygiene and safety of this kitchen.