School Capital Project in Derby, Redecoration

Box09 were asked to deliver redecoration of the main school hall, a central corridor and 4 classrooms at an infant school in Derby.
The project was being funded from devolved capital, so Box09 were able to act as Professional Advisor to the school, filling in the necessary council paperwork and going through the procurement process to ensure that best value was achieved, and a competent contractor selected.
(Left: Shows the main hall following redecoration of the walls, ceiling, woodwork and radiators)
There was plenty of furniture that needed to be moved and relocated to allow access to all of the affected areas that were earmarked for redecoration, and this was handled by our team in the holidays.
This school is quite old and the walls were in poor condition, with plenty of pinholes and flaking paintwork. The walls were all rubbed down, prepped and filled during the summer holidays and then several coats of emulsion were applied, along with gloss for the skirting.
(Left: Shows one of the main classroom corridors with redecorated walls, ready for displays and artwork to be applied!)
It is amazing the positive difference that this has made to the learning environment, making the school more attractive to work in, learn in and for new pupils and parents to be in!
Projects like these are not insurmountable and may not cost as much as you think. If your school has areas that are looking tired and could do with a new lease of life, get in touch with Box09.