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Derby School Mains Water Pipe Repair

  • Date: 30/01/2025
  • Category: General

We were asked to investigate a potential water leak at a school client of ours in Derby. There was water running underneath the top tarmac skin of the tarmac into the local drain which was very odd. Through process of investigation and elimination we determined that the issue was not a blocked drain or a leaking fire hydrant, both of which would have been easier to remedy!

We brought in a specialist team to trace and locate the underground leak using their specialist technology. A pressure test was carried out on the internal pipework. Tracer gas was detected near the drainage area and acoustic evidence was picked up between the drainage and the fire hydrant at the front of the property which now needed to be excavated so we could repair the main.

We could not delay this project until the next school holiday as the water meter was spinning round due to the leak on the main supply pipe. Therefore the car park was safely cordoned off and excavation works began in two areas 1) where the leak was identified, and 2) where the stop valve was buried, as this had seized and required replacement. The stop valve was unable to be rectified as nothing could free it and there was a potential risk of it shearing off, so it was decided to rebuild the protective collar for the stop valve stem and back fill it in. This would require a specialist team from Severn Trent to safely isolate and replace this in the near future.

The leak was uncovered and a stainless steel pipe repair clamp was installed and bolted into place. This clamp is pressure rated, and has an internal EPDM waffle seal to ensure a tight seal, preventing leaks. The excavation was back filled and then the top surface made good using MOT Type aggregate infill to levels, and a top surface course of 6mm SMA tarmac. All patches were joined with hot pitch and the site was swept and jet washed clear.

Long term the school will need to have a new water main and stop valve installed, and this has been flagged as urgent with the council.



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